
How Much is an Electric Vehicle Charging Station?

If you have recently owned an electric vehicle (EV), you have undoubtedly noticed that your new car is not like any other: it runs on electricity instead of fuel. But it is also not a typical appliance, either. Being your reliable source of transport, you need to ensure it’s charged enough for your next journey.

With an electric vehicle, you will significantly reduce your carbon emissions when it comes to private transport. Additionally, you won’t be worried about ensuring it has its oil topped up, and at worst you might have an update to download Consequentially, you can save a substantial amount on fuel. You can even avoid stopping at a petrol station. 

All-electric vehicles come with AC Level 1 or AC Level 2 charging equipment to deal with the charging issues. Smart charging devices allow for the safe and efficient use of maximum charging power. When compared to standard power outlets, this allows for significantly quicker charging.

Charging at home is where you’re going to make the most savings/gains when it comes to EVs. Exactly how much this will cost will depend on your car, but the higher the battery charge available, the more it will cost to charge up. Typically, you’ll be looking at 10-14p per kWh.

Recharging your battery through public charging points is where prices can fluctuate, and it can be good to do your research of where you can charge and how much it will be ahead of your journey.

The average cost of having a home charging point installed is currently £1,000. However, there are grants available to help reduce this cost. You can claim a Government grant of up to £350 towards a home charging point. Your home charge point provider usually deals with this grant, so you don't need to do anything to access it. You can also get an additional £300 from the Energy Savings Trust on top of the government grant. Unlike the government grant, the additional £300 is retrospective, so you must pay out first and then claim it back.

It is worth noting that both grants are only available if you own an EV. However, if you do go ahead and claim both grants, you would only be paying on average £350 to have a home charging point installed.

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