Top 10 Driving Icks

06 Mar 2023 by Megan Maxwell
worst ick

If you’ve been on the dating scene in the past few years, or even just aware of dating slang, you may have come across the term ‘ick’. For those who might not be aware of what are icks, ‘ick’ in the dictionary means the sudden flip from feeling love and adoration to a feeling of disgust about an element of a partner. An example of an ick could be that a partner is great in every aspect but a very noisy eater – to the point that you can hear every mouthful being crunched and swallowed – so the love that was once there is quickly flipped into an instant disgust that cannot be looked past.

Fiat recently surveyed 2000 people which revealed that quite a significant portion (40%) are currently suffering from the ick in their personal relationships that could potentially ruin them. With some of our own Stoneacre icks thrown into the mix, ready to see if you have any of these most popular icks too?

Tailgating: This is the action of a driver driving behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop without causing a collision if the vehicle in front stops suddenly. Fiat survey participants found this to be their biggest ick and it’s not a surprise it’s at the top of the list – who wants to be at the risk of nearly colliding with a car from dangerous driving?

red flag in a relationship

Road rage: A motorist’s uncontrolled anger that is usually provoked by another motorist’s irritating act and is expressed in aggressive or violent behaviour. This is one of the biggest icks for a girl as swearing unexpectedly can be a massive red flag for what their partner might be like in the relationship.

Vehicles filled with stuffed toys: Pretty self-explanatory really, so let’s just envision a car filled like a toy store shelf. One of the biggest icks for men specifically, maybe keep them in your bedroom if you’re going on a first date and offering to drive.

Stopping too far away from a ticket machine: One of our best icks on the list for humour purposes. It’s a bit like parallel parking, we know it’s hard to line up a car correctly with spatial awareness combined, but there is nothing worse than watching someone not being close enough to the ticket machine that they have to unbuckle their belt to reach the button!


Unsuccessfully parallel parking: Even though it’s something that everyone is taught when learning to drive, many drivers will avoid parallel parking after they’ve passed (I know I do). But as an ick, when people attempt to parallel and fail to accomplish it after numerous attempts they’ll just end up driving off to find another space, maybe it’s a psychological metaphor that they might give up on the relationship if an issue ever arose.

De-badging a car: If you’re not sure what we mean, this is a process in which a car owner will take the original manufacturer badge of their car and replace it with a more expensive car manufacturer badge. Why would this be a big ick? We’ll leave that to you…

Getting lost whilst following a Sat-Nav: One question, how? Surely if the sat nav is on, it’s turned on to be followed!

When it’s impossible to get the seatbelt into the plug: One of the top icks on this list for funniest (because I know every single person reading this list will have experienced this themselves). How embarrassing is it getting into an unfamiliar car and trying to navigate the seatbelt – nothing like a shining spotlight on you to get it right the first time. But when it happens to someone else, ew.

biggest icks

Honking whilst in a traffic queue: Genuinely there is no need for this kind of behaviour unless it’s a valid one (like a dangerous situation). But when everyone in the queue is in the same position, big ick.

When drivers speed through puddles, splashing pedestrians: If you’re one of these people who does this and will LAUGH, karma will come around to splash you right back. This is one of the worst icks on the list because it’s cruel to innocent bystanders and just a bad trait that can turn people off for a relationship.

Experienced any of these icks yourself in a potential relationship or have any of your own unique icks? Let us know!

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