Ford partners with RideLondon

16 Jan 2023 by Megan Maxwell
Ford RideLondon

London Marathon Events announced a thrilling three-year partnership between Ford and RideLondon! This dynamic duo will bring us the world’s greatest cycling festival for 2023 through 2025, building on their success as presenting partner in 2022. Get ready to explore new routes with two of your favourite partners leading you on an exciting journey!

Ford is leading the way in preserving our planet for future generations, taking dramatic steps to reduce carbon emissions. By 2035 its European operations will be completely carbon-neutral and an impressive 600,000 electric vehicles are set to hit the markets by 2026 – a huge milestone on the road towards sustainability!

Empowering people to make healthy, informed decisions about their travel habits is key to building a prosperous and sustainable world. That’s why Ford created the Park The Car initiative; encouraging individuals to leave their cars at home when going on short trips and instead opt for more active forms of transport such as walking or cycling. Not only does this help reduce traffic congestion in cities, but research has also revealed that it can have numerous positive impacts including improved physical fitness and mental well-being!

Hugh Brasher, Event Director of London Marathon Events, said: “This is a landmark day in the history of RideLondon as Ford becomes the title partner of the world’s greatest festival of cycling. We worked closely with Ford last year to amplify their work in promoting active travel and Ford’s innovative “Park The Car” initiative which encourages car users to cycle or walk rather than drive short journeys. We look forward to building on our very successful partnership to build active travel into everyday life.”

Ford RideLondon

Tim Slatter, Chair, Ford of Britain, said: “Driving responsibly used to be a straightforward message about sensible road use, but in today’s world it means far more. Taking care of the environment is a shared responsibility and swapping just one car journey a day for active travel can reduce a person’s daily carbon footprint by up to 84%.

Lisa Brankin, Managing Director, Ford of Britain and Ireland, said: “Partnering with RideLondon, the world’s greatest festival of cycling, is a clear way for us to connect with a wider audience and share the countless benefits of cycling and walking. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for us to further support both our ‘Park The Car’ initiative, promoting smart choices around which mode of transport to use, especially for short distances, and also raise awareness of Ford zero-emission vehicles.”

London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner, Will Norman, said: “We need to reduce the number of car journeys taking place by supporting people to switch to active travel options like walking and cycling, and the car journeys that do happen need to be cleaner. This way we can not only tackle the challenges of air pollution, the climate emergency and congestion but also help to build a safer, greener and healthier London for everyone.

“RideLondon is a brilliant event which will inspire people to take advantage of an environmentally friendly, cost-effective and fun way of getting around. With Ford’s support, we can now continue to deliver this world class event and encourage even more people to cycle around our city

It is clear that Ford and RideLondon are leading the way in promoting active travel to reduce our carbon footprint. With their combined efforts, they will be able to inspire more people to cycle or walk instead of driving for short trips, which can have numerous positive impacts on physical fitness and mental well-being.

Moreover, with Ford’s support for RideLondon, cycling enthusiasts from all over the world will now get a chance to experience this world-class event! Together we can build a healthier and greener future where cars take up less space on our roads while making sure everyone gets around safely.

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